

藏语群(英语:Bodish languages),又称藏语支,语言学上的分类,属于藏-喜马拉雅语群之下的分支,名称源自图博藏文བོད་威利bod)。不同学者对于藏语群的分类有不同的定义,但是其共同点是不包括东部藏语(East Bodish)。使用这些语言的族群主要分布在西藏、北印度、北巴基斯坦、尼泊尔不丹一带。


学者Ernst Schäfer,将藏语分成西部藏语、中央藏语、南部藏语与东部藏语四大类。Schäfer认为除了西部藏语之外,其他三个藏语群都是源自古藏语

Nathan W. Hill认为西部藏语这个假说并没有根据,他主张分成东部藏语与藏语两大类。


目前一般认为Shafer的前三个分类均分化自中古藏语,形成藏语群,而东部藏语群则是与之并列的姐妹群。[2]:111 更近的分类排除了嘉绒语支,目前认为它自成一支。[3]:4

Bradley (1997)也定义了“藏语群”,加上了西喜马拉雅语支,Shafer将其视作他的藏语群的姐妹分支。这样分类的结果与其他分类法的“藏-喜马拉雅语群”大致等效。这个分类中,藏语群包含两个分支,藏语组和东部藏语群:[3]:3–15

东部藏语群是汉藏语系内最缺乏研究的一支。属于这一支的语言有布姆唐语(Michailovsky & Mazaudon 1994;van Driem 1995)、仓洛语 (Hoshi 1987; Andvik 1999)、达旺门巴语(Lu 1986; Sun et al. 1991)、象雄语(Nagano & LaPolla 2001),可能还包括扎克灵语 (Blench & Post 2011)。


至于东部藏语群语法的讨论,有Das Gupta (1968)和Lu (2002)。关于库尔托普语的论文有Hyslop (2008a, 2008b, 2009)。


  • Bradley, David, Tibeto-Burman languages and classification, Bradley, David (编), Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayas, Papers in South East Asian linguistics 14, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics: 1–71, 1997, ISBN 978-0-85883-456-9. 
  • van Driem, George (1994). East Bodish and Proto-Tibeto-Burman morphosyntax. Current Issues in Sino-Tibetan Linguistics, Osaka: The Organizing Committee of the 26th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics.
  • van Driem, George (1995). Een eerste grammaticale verkenning van het Bumthang, een taal van midden-Bhutan. Leiden: Onderzoekschool CNWS.
  • van Driem, George (2001) Languages of the Himalayas: An Ethnolinguistic Handbook of the Greater Himalayan Region. Brill.
  • Hill, Nathan W., Overview of Old Tibetan synchronic phonology (PDF), Transactions of the Philological Society, 2010, 108 (2): 110–125 [2020-01-27], CiteSeerX可免费查阅, doi:10.1111/j.1467-968X.2010.01234.x. 
  • Hyslop, G., (2008a). Kurtöp phonology in the context of Northeast India. In: Morey, S., Post, M. (Eds.), North East Indian Linguistics 1: Papers from the First International Conference of the North East Indian Linguistic Society. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 3–25.
  • Hyslop, G., (2008b). "Kurtöp and the classification of the languages of Bhutan." In: Proceedings from the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 42, vol. 2, South Asian Linguistics, Case, Voice, and Language Coexistence. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Hyslop, G., (2009), "Kurtöp Tone: A tonogenetic case study." Lingua 119: 827–845
  • 陆绍尊(2002). 门巴语方言研究 北京: 民族出版社.
  • Michailovsky, Boyd and Martine Mazaudon (1994). “Preliminary Notes on the Languages of the Bumthang Group (Bhutan).” Tibetan Studies: proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. Ed. Per Kværne. Vol 2. Oslo: The Institute of Comparative Research in Human Culture. 545-557.
  • Shafer, Robert, Classification of the Sino-Tibetan languages, Word (Journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York), 1955, 11 (1): 94–111, doi:10.1080/00437956.1955.11659552. 
  • Tournadre, Nicolas, The Tibetic languages and their classification, Owen-Smith, Thomas; Hill, Nathan W. (编), Trans-Himalayan Linguistics: Historical and Descriptive Linguistics of the Himalayan Area, De Gruyter: 103–129, 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-031074-0.  (preprint )
