






美国人查理斯·奥斯彭(Charles Osborne)从1922年到1990年持续打嗝68年,被吉尼斯世界纪录记为世界上打嗝时间最长的人[2][3]


  • 血府逐瘀汤出处《医林改错》
  1. 神丙. 打嗝不是病,不停真要命 | 科学人 | 果壳网 科技有意思 (htm). 科学人. guokr.com. 医学. 北京: 果壳网: 1. 2011-06-23 [2017-05-06] (简体中文). 膈神经由传入及传出神经纤维组成,当引起打嗝的诱因刺激传入大脑以后,大脑就会发出指令,使膈肌出现阵发性和痉挛性收缩,空气被迅速吸进肺内的同时,会厌关闭,声门骤然收窄,气流通过时就会发出“嗝”的声响。 
  2. BBC News. [2012-06-14]. 
  3. Survivor of 68-Year Hiccup Spell Dies Sunrise Edition: 2.B. Omaha World-Herald. 5 May 1991. 
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  • J.S. Jones, T. Lloyd, L. Cannon, Persistent hiccups as an unusual manifestation of hyponatremia, In J. Emerg Med, 1987; 5:283-287
  • H.J. Kaufman, Hiccups: causes, mechanisms, and treatment, In: Pract. Gastroenterology, 1985; 9:12-20
  • J.H. Lewis, Hiccups: causes and cures, In: J. Clin. Gastroenterology, 1985; 7:539-552
  • M.S. Lipsky, Chronic hiccups, In: Am. Fam. Physician, 1986; 34:173-177
  • M.D. Nathan, R.T. Leshner, A.P. Keller, Intractable hiccups (singultus), In: Laryngoscope, 1980; 90:1612-1618
  • J.V. Souadjian, J.C. Cain, Intractable hiccups: etiologic factors in 220 cases, In: Postgrad Med., 1968; 43:72-77
  • M.S. Wagner, J.S. Stapczynski, Persistent hiccups, In: Ann. Emerg. Med., 1982; 11:24-26
